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A.M. Cassandre- Art Deco

The above is a picture of A.M. Cassandre as he worked.
If you recall from our reading this week, Cassandre was well-known for his work on posters. He used bold designs which emphasized two-dimensionality as well as simple colors.Our book goes on to say that his best work was done with railways and steamship lines.Cassandre also designed 'daring' typefaces.

You can see from this image that there is a sketch used to plan out his poster. Cassandre used the principles of Le Corbusier- ' a module of measures and unifies; a regulating line constructs and satisfies' .

For each entry in your blog, write one paragraph describing your selection:

* Describe what it is- Images of A.M. Cassandre and his work
* Describe its function- 'Art Deco" Modernism Poster
* Describe where you saw it- "Graphic Design a History"
* Discuss the style of the design & typography
* Discuss the quality of the artwork- Good enough to make it into this book.
* Discuss what attracted you to the piece- Parellels our reading for the week.

